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Search Engine Rules And Techniques – Yahoo Vs Google

Search Engine Rules

The war between two gigantic search engines, Yahoo and Google, is always in the news on cyber space. The fact is undeniable that latter has entered the game of searching years after the former. However, Google has managed to magnetize the Internet searchers with its capable search engine algorithms and thus, has enjoyed the top position as seo search engine for many consecutive years. Still, we can’t undermine the presence of Yahoo on Internet.

Where The Differences Lie

It has been discussed a number of times by experts marinating seo forum and seo blog that there are noteworthy differences between the search criterions of Yahoo and Google. Let us share some of these points in the following discussion.

  • Contents For Google – It has been noticed that Google’s search algorithms are inclined more towards usefulness and informative nature of contents provided by different websites. The search algorithms of other search engines, including Yahoo, deviates from this path.
  • Commercial Purposes Of Yahoo – The search results appearing upon Yahoo search pages are based more upon factors of commercial importance. This is the striking reason for lagging behind of Yahoo from Google. Thus, we can say that Google enforces the websites to optimize their pages with desired contents.
  • How Reciprocal Links Are Treated – The reciprocal links, which are considered old fashioned by Google, still hold their significance in Yahoo search results. Thus, if you have more affection towards Google, you have to put no entry board for reciprocal links in your website promotion.
  • Beware Of Duplicity – If you follow a search on Google, you will conclude that Google filters out pages with duplicate contents and resources; an efficient approach to save the search efforts of visitors. However, other search engines neglect this approach. Thus, no need to employ efforts for preparing duplicate contents, if Google is your target search engine.
  • Customization Is Key For – Of course, Google, the king of search engines, generates the customized reports. No doubt, you can get informative reports from Yahoo as well. But, it is the user, who has to decide the degree of usefulness of these reports.
  • On-Page And Off-Page – Yahoo gives preference to on-page optimization, whereas Google has more inclination towards off-page optimization. However, a mixture of both these techniques definitely benefits your website more on Google as compared to Yahoo.
  • Eye Of Expert – As far as authenticity of a particular link is concerned, Google definitely has an eye of expert to distinguish between artificial links and authorized links. Yahoo lacks the potential to carry out this authentication.

Fueling Your Decision For Seo Techniques

Having said all about these two search engines and drawing the thick line of differences, it becomes easy to mould your search engine optimization tool in most fruit bearing way. It is the case that a late entry in the field of search programs has overshadowed the old existing search expert. Thus, the experience of experts speak that Google has much more conversion rate as compared to Yahoo. You can now take the decision to set the direction for your search engine optimization tool and techniques.